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Friday, 10 January 2014

Let It Go

People will tell you to forgive, forgive, forgive But its Not as easy as it sounds.

I love hammering on the topic of forgiveness because it is essential and important to forgive, that is If you want to be happy.
Holding unto a grudge is painful and ironically the pains are Not for the offender they are for you.
  Its like a burden and as years goes by it gets heavier, you feel more anger and hatred. You deserve to be happy because you are awesome.
Its not your fault that they couldn't see your worth and went ahead to betray you.
They probably don't deserve your forgiveness But you deserve happiness.
Holding unto a grudge is exhausting, the more you hold unto it the more painful it is, you cant be comfortable .
You have been stucked in a horrible traffic for hours and you are so pressed, you need to use the toilet else you might as well go in your pants, your legs are shaky, you are sweating, you cant move, you feel like crying because its that bad, you are even considering leaving your car in the traffic and look for the next available toilet to use. Then luckily the the cars start moving, the jam is clearing up, you cant hold it in or wait till you get to your destination so you quickly park the car and raced into the nearest supermarket to use their toilet, you get in the toilet, hurriedly removed your pants and as you sit on the the potty :-D and with a little push it was like an explosion, bammmm!! your heart is racing, you feel like sleeping, you are so weak and relieved, you dont want to stand up, the shaky legs are gone, the discomfort is gone, its like a heavy load has been lifted off your body and someone just poured cold water on you, oh peace at last halleluyah, Hahahaha.

My point is Grudge are like shits If you don't hit the toilet and push it all out now, you will always be uncomfortable.
If you want to be uncomfortable all your life its your choice But If you want to feel that awesome kind of peace, relief and joy then you know what to do.

Life is beautiful But you cant enjoy life or see the beauty of life when you go about carrying grudge, hurts and anger.
:-* LET IT GO!!!!!

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