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Thursday, 31 October 2013

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Sunday, 20 October 2013

BeyouJust U

Okay some people are afraid to say what they feel or be true to themselves because they are afraid people might judge them harshly, so they keep pretending and imprison themselves to sadness, the fact is no matter what you do people can never be perfectly pleased and I believe the only person that you should concentrate on pleasing is YOU because only U knows how it feels
Only U will live with the consequences of your actions. Only U will be judged by God for your actions. So my dear only U has the right to live your life. Life is beautiful but U cant see it if U are letting other people live your life

Beverly, angelo and candice

Hmmm let me laugh first because I saw this coming, the 2 love birds from bba beverly and angelo has officially called it quit, it is said that angelo broke up with beverly when he came visitinf in nigeria and he has gone back to his ex candice arends, lol and candice has been busy flaunting pictures of her man on twitter which has brought many tweet wars between their fans. Oh well my best wishes to beverly in this her trying times.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Make money online

So I heard of this awesome way to make money online and I took my time to verify If its real and it was, all you have to do is to refer to people and when they register with 500naira, u get 300 naira while d company gets 200 naira, so you see its a win win its not a scam I got paid so here is the link http://500naira.com/?r=anitaclassy and remember your referrals name is anitaclassy

Friday, 11 October 2013


Dear wives/girlfriends who were cheated on: His
mistress isn't crazy or stalking him. She isn't
"reading in" to his behavior, and she's not a
psycho. She was TOLD THINGS by your husband/
boyfriend... things he either said to get her into
bed, or truly meant from his heart... and now he's
trying to smooth things over by shifting all the
blame for his affair to the other woman. If you
want to be pissed at her... I get it. But let's get
something straight: She didn't STEAL him. No one
can be "stolen". He CHOSE to pursue her. Does that
make her right? No... but she's not your problem;
HE is. So, instead of wasting energy blaming
another woman who was lied to (just like you
were)... you might place the blame where it really
belongs » at your man's feet.

Khloe and lamar

Khloe has been going through some marriage issues with her husband lamar just as lamar's mistresses keep popping up. I never knew khloe was such a strong woman and even at that she is still trying to keep her family together. How long can she hold up those walls against the enemies? Is there hope for the marriage? Well only time will tell.. All the best to the kardashians.

Cheating and friends

Now why is it that when a guy stays faithful to his lady, his friends begin to blabb about how he is not a real man and he is being controlled by his woman. My question is this.. Does cheating makes you a real man??

lets talk

will you send a man you love to jail because he hit you? any form of domestic violence here leads to 5 years in prison so as a woman would you have the guts to report a man you love to the authorities knowing he would go to prison?

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Miley cyrus should be left to live her life. She is the only one that would bear the consequences of her actions and regrets for the things she didnt do when she is old. Face your life

Crazy taughts

Okay so we know the bible recorded just the creafion of adam and eve, so who gave birth to cain and abels wife??


 People will talk they are free they got their mouth
its your choice to listen afterall its your ear, i dont care about the mean things said by strangers, i surround myself with people who love me and see me the way i am and not people who judge me based on what i wear